Where did the time go?

It’s hard to believe it’s been ~2 years since I last posted here, but I guess that’s a sign that we’ve been keeping busy. Also, the last time I posted, my son wasn’t born, and now he’s teasing our dog…that might also explain the lapse. Anyways, in no particular order, here’s some of the latest lab updates:

  • Laurel, April, and Barrett joined the lab for their PhDs…ahh…how is this “news”. Anyways, despite the pandemic, they are making amazing progress to help us understand autophagosome assembly in yeast (Laurel and Barrett) and how ferritin is targeted for autophagy (April) in mammalian cells.

  • The lab joined The Borg, sorry, I meant The Broad as an affiliate member lab. I guess they were right, resistance was futile - there’s just way too many amazing scientists and fancy toys over there to not assimilate.

  • Danica decides to join the lab as a post-doc and is awarded a Life Science Research Fellowship - congrats!!!

  • We were selected for funding from the James H. Ferry Fund, the Whitehead Family, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and the National Science Foundation. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  • Jen and Gabriella join the lab to work on their PhD’s to work on exciting projects in autophagy and ribosome biogenesis.

  • Ellen gives a ton of talks about cryoDRGN…the oohhhss and aahhha are palatable :)

  • We published cryoDRGN and started a bunch of collaborations to apply the tool to interesting biological problems.

  • In collaboration with Alan Brown’s group, we published a nice story in Nature Structural and Molecular Biology applying cryoDRGN to ciliary complexes.

  • Joey gave talks at the American Crystallographic Association and the New York Academy of Sciences. The embarrassing press convinces him to mute the labs twitter bot ;)

  • My wife and I had a baby, and there was a pandemic, but let’s focus on the baby.
